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Across the globe, one in every four dogs could be diagnosed with cancer. It is a horrible fact, but it is very true. There are numerous ways to deal with this situation so choose the solution that is easiest for you and your dog. Just make sure you ask a good amount of questions so that you are knowledgeable about what you can do to help your dog, and don’t be scared to seek a second, maybe even third opinion about what is best in your situation.

First, understand it is common. Keep a clear mind. With everything going on in your life right now, the last thing you need is a toxic train of thought. Make sure you know what to expect. Ask your veterinarian what your dog will be feeling like if he will be in pain, if or how to make them comfortable, or how to tell if your dog is in pain.

Find emotional support. Just like your dog needs you through this rough and emotional time, you need your dog too. It is also a good idea to reach out to other people for support. Your family and friends may not know what you are going through, but they will also stick along you and your buddies’ side through the whole thing. You are not alone!

Understand what it is going to take. Cancer is a crazy, unfortunate and expensive disease. In efforts to fight it, there will be many costly procedures. There are many businesses that specialize in animal care/insurance, but the important part is finding the best one for you.

Educate yourself on terminology. If you spend the time to learn all the large medical words that your doctor refers to, you will better understand what is happening to your fluffy friend.

Evaluate your pet’s quality of life. When an animal is diagnosed with cancer, treatments used to cure them are focusing on removing pain and suffering, as well as extending their life span. During this time, try and let your pet continue to do what they love. Going on walks, playing fetch, swimming, or just a classic game of tug-o-war can help keep your pup happy!

Keep a normal routine. In a crazy life-changing situation, the routine can help you keep a strong mindset.

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